Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, it's not that tomorrow. But I still have some thoughts.

God is love I hear folks say.  Yes, I think he is.  We in our true form are just as he is when we drop away the sillyness we've created.  Why do we create the silliness?  Fear I think.

Someone famous once wrote that most men lead lives of quite desperation.  That rings true to me.  But we have no need to do so.  If our God is a God of love, then why in the world would we be driven to anything like desperation? 

God created us in his image...his image.  A creative being that created us would have made us like create as he does.  This makes sense to me.

Why did God create us?  I thought for a long time that perhaps for all of her perfection that we were created/are created from a lonelness.  That God created us to in time grow up and be with him so he could be with us.

Now I'm wondering...Maybe it's simply in the nature of God to create.  If so, how could he not create?  And if he creates then we must do so also.

I think that we must create just as God does.  Though it seems rather obvious that we do not realize and seldom appreciate our creations.  We make our lives, but many of us don't like our lives or at least aspects of them. 

But if we reason we can't change our creations either. to use this?

Prayer.  Meditation.  Possibilities becoming probabilities and then actualities.  This I learned from meditation.  As the Bible tells us.  Pray as if what you pray for already is and believe.  That is paraphrased of course.

Leave the mind that is filled with the inner voices of fear and doubt and "I can't".  When the few times I've moved beyond that I've found that I can find my Soul. 

I was a glorified security garud.  And moved into computers.  Not what one would find a so called natural transition eh?  How?  Prayer and meditation.  I wanted it, I thought about it (all the time).  I also had to do a bit of study.  But I'm not certified in anything with computers.  And lots the world thought says you can't be in computers without either a degree or a certification.

Then I prayed about it, often!  I meditated and visualized it (another subject).  I prayed seeing my prayer already answered and with the salery I desired at the time.  It became real for me in time...yes, it did take a bit, and I had more learning to do.  But it did work!

As near as I can tell Prayer always does work.  But we have to modify our thinking to allow what we wish in order for it to work. Or maybe not our thinking...our soul?  Our mind?  Not sure on that, but something changes in us.

Our life is a prayer.  It's a way of being and living that creates our lives.  And this we can always change.

For instance.  We ask faithfully on Sunday for Ice Cream.  But all week long we Want ice cream and do nothing about it.  Now we blame God for not giving us Ice Cream?  We say in our minds I don't deserve it, we say to ourselves we are not worthy of it, we say it's not possible.

So what is God thinking?  "Ok!  Ice Cream it  You don't want it then? seem a bit confused my child.  I'll wait till you make up your mind."

We, or at least I, was taught that prayer was just something you did on Sundays or when you were in seriously  deep shit. 

God was not someone you asked questions of or questioned at all.  So you prayed only to thank him for...well...something.  Even if life was sucking for you at the time your were still supposed to pray and thank him.  Maybe that's one of the reason's I started getting pissed off.  How can you thank someone who's done nothing for you?  And then do so on a regular basis?  Human nature does not allow for such an attitude.

Ok..back to prayer.  I've found a few things that seem to work.

1) do it in faith!  Believe that your prayer will be answered. (see the possibility)

2) Really BELIEVE it.  See it as a possibility in your own mind.  No matter how far off it seems, do it! (See the probability of it)

3) Thank God for it!  Really!  Since you've already created it in your mind and know it is a reality not seen yet, why would you not be thankful for it's fulfillment?  (Be thankful.)

And do it again and again and again until it is in your life.

You can do it with small things as well.  Finding a place to park for instance, (see it, know it's there awaiting you.)  Do it.  It will be waiting for you to be there.

I say "do it" a lot it seems.  Maybe I'm thinking like the short green dude Yoda. 

"Do not try, do, or do not, there is no try."

Be well.

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