Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sorry it's been a couple of days.  I really wanted to make this a daily thing for myself.  Today is not the last day of the week though I rather wish it were.  Visited lots of sites this week, had to leave 3 of them at different times for good old VITA "emergencies".  Well, that's what folks call them anyway.  Mostly I think a lot of folks are just being a bit nervous from the extra pressure. 

I'm not sure I understand it really.  VITA comes about every year and there always seems to be the same reaction to it.  Oh yes, VITA is a free to the public tax program that is government supported.  Any one under a 49 thousand income limit can come and get their simple taxes done for free.  All that means that I can tell is that folks with midlin income can get help but not folks with stocks, bonds etc. 

I always use the EZ form myself and have no worries with it.  But then, I don't tend to worry over a lot of things most of the time.  Maybe I should, but I just don't seem to have the interest to do so.  Lazy bugger I am. :)

All of this minds me of fears.  Fear of the government, Fear of not doing the right thing, Fear of unknowingly doing the wrong thing, Fear of loss or disappointment   Etc, etc.

Wow!  We've got a lot of fears. 

I can understand fear, I have a fear of heights.  But these other fears seem different to me.  They are mostly made up of illusions.  We fear things that haven't happened, only that May happen.  We borrow worries from nothing and make them important to us.  We make a lot of drama for ourselves is the way I see it. 

Yet we all know better.  When we were kids and got one of our spankings at one point or another I'm sure we were all told "don't cry till you've been hit".  And if you've never been spanked than you have my deepest sympathy and concern. 

All the little things we learned as kids still apply.  How could they not?  If I needed to know it when I was 3 then I need to know it now.  How can the basic wisdom's change? 

It's not them that change, but us.  We grow up learning how to fear, and often what to fear.  But then, we seldom seem to learn when a fear is real and when it's just the Monster in the closet. 

Seems to me most of our fears fall into the category of Monster in the closet.  Not oh my God, I might fall off of this thing and break my fool neck!

Maybe this is why most men leads lives of quite desperation?

Just more of my rambling thoughts.

Be well.


  1. Hi John, Fear Factor is a real thing. I am dealing with one or two anxieties, could be just illusions too.

  2. Hi Amrita, I sort of think we need to look very closely at our fears. I think many of them are in our minds.

    On the street, in front of a Bus coming our way...Very real and needed fear.

    I've lost my job and won't be able to make my payments. Not.

    No reason to think you'll not have another job the next day.

    This is yet another time to call upon the grace of God and open ourselves to another blessing.

    Just my thoughts of course.


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