Friday, October 8, 2010

We live and move and have our being in God.

A thought I had today which I added to my journal and I figured since I've not been here in a bit it would be good to pass it along.

I know I've not posted a lot and been rather sporadic when I do post.  Sorry folks.  I think of it sometimes.  Mostly when I'm not home and can't.  But things always seem to be going on.

Did you buy that?  Huh?  Huh?

Ok, the truth.  I really just don't think all that much. :)

Ok, the thought.

The next world is much like this one.  According to the documentation.  We will have new bodies so the world there will be at least a bit like this one.  Difference being in our own perceptions.  But I think perhaps we'll feel the same things, make the same sorts of choices.  (The big ones I mean, not which sort of cheese to buy.)  We'll still have the ability to be angry, sad, loving, etc. 

The difference being, as Paul wrote.  Now I see through the glass darkly, then in light. 

Here we suspect and sometimes see or experiance things that bring us a wee bit closer to seeing.  After our transition, we will not suspect.  We'll know!

When we know we'll never doubt ourselves or God or God's plan. Now I see though the glass darkly.  Here, God surrounds us always.  Water to a fish, but we often don't see or realize how close he is. 

Then we will see in light!  Then I'll have choice yet no reasonalbe choice not to love.  For I'll see that nothing else is real.  All anger, while possible will be seen for what it is.  Always counter productive to my own well being. 

All evny a silly idea, knowing we are one with God and one another.  All the odd things we feel now will be seen as the shadows that they are.

Then we shall see in light and this will be the darkness on the other side of the glass.  Though I rather doubt we'll have a lot a will to look back though the glass.

Here it is a lesson. That sometimes we see it as a test.  Yet it seems to me it's a natural process going from one to the other. 

I wonder how close we can get here with all the distractions we face each day?  Not sure, but I'm going to keep trying and see what I can come up with.

Just my thoughts.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Johm, this made me think.

    Never thoughts about wha t kind of thoughts and emotions I will have in heavem, me new healed body with give me un ending joy and my perception of the world around me will be perfect, that 's what I am looking forward to, here it is flawed and very limited.

    Worship and praise is one activity of heaven I know of.

    In the new heaven and earth we will reign with Christ.

    I never thought about the choice wewill be required to make or getting angry. Do anger & sadness exsist in heaven, I don 't know - if there is Biblical basis for that. Of so please enlighten me.

    Thank s for this post


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