Thursday, August 12, 2010


What will save me?  What is it to be "safe"?

Once I have the job, the promotion, the savings, the man or woman I need, once I have graduated, once I'm married, once I'm retired and on and on and on.

If.  If I'd married him/her, if I'd taken that job not this one, if I'd gotten that promotion, if I had the savings, etc.

Where is my salvation?  It's not in the past.  Not in the future.  Not in other people.  Not in the world as we generally see it. 

Maybe in our choice then?  Maybe God put our salvation in us.  In knowing that he is with us always and is the one and only constant in life. 

I don't think God would put the cure for the illness outside of where the healing needs to be done.  He'd not offer a hungery child a stone.  Nor poison to a sick man.

He put our salvation in our hands, in our thoughts, in our choices. 

He's closer than we think.  We live and move and have our being in God.  The absence of God would be Hell. 

Yet since we do live and move and have our being in him.  How would we know in these body/mind sets what the absence of God would feel like?

Maybe like the light going out and then trying to deal with our own thoughts in the dark? 

The dark not as the blind have.  But more dark.  No sight, no sound, no smell, no touch, no imagination.  I don't think any of these could compare. 

The the dark of God not being with us, even if we don't recongnize him.

There lies true death.

Just my wondering thoughts as aways.


1 comment:

  1. We have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - whether physiacal or spiritual.
    But God is th e author of it the Bible says- Christ is our salvation.

    Salvation for me approriating the finished work of Christ acomplishe d on the cross .

    You are right a life without God is completely dark, but it not regognized like that. Unbeivers think us believers are in the dark.

    Salvation begins when a person sees the light and reaches out for God


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